Leigh Hay

Enjoy reading editing and writing hints for
authors, short stories, blogs posts and poetry

Origins – of the universe, of life, of species, of humanity

As a freelance writer, there are some projects that really inspire. A year ago I was invited to co-write a libretto for a new oratorio, based on evolution – from the big bang to the ascent of man. Evolutionary Geneticist Professor Jenny Graves was offering...

Writing for Children

I’ve often thought I’d be a wealthy woman if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard the comment,  “writing a book for kids has to be a piece of cake…you only need minimal text and pictures.”  The minimal text and pictures bit makes...

A writing style like no other

We all have our own unique style of writing for preferred genres. For some of us it’s crime thrillers or romance novels and for others it’s science fiction or stories for kids. For me it’s poetry. Whatever the style, I have great regard for the creative...

Finding your poetic voice

As a poet, a question I’m often asked is “when did you discover you could write poetry?” When I was at school, all I could write was pretty hopeless humorous rhyme so maybe the discovery was all those years ago. I remember thinking I had a...

Planting a literary forest

Are you having trouble launching into writing? Having trouble working up the confidence to put pen to paper or let your fingers glide across the laptop keyboard? Many people write daily to Facebook or Twitter. The three-line comment is de riguer for today’s social media. Easy...

Cosmo flies into Christmas

Cosmo flies into Christmas is now available!!  The little Christmas beetle has finally hatched. It’s Christmas Eve in Australia. Cosmo, a small brown Christmas beetle, hatches in Mrs Bunnyfluff’s garden. He flies through a back door and lands slap bang in Mrs Bunnyfluff’s house. WOW!! Food....

Boxes are comfortable

I am a great fan of Australian cartoonist Judy Horacek. For me, her cartoons hit the spot every time. This month, she is featuring ‘ideas’ – thoughts, inspirations, some innovative and agile experiences and some failures. One of her cartoons features a girl inside a...

Single in Manhattan

Just back from 10 days in New York.  The temperature was -15C on the coldest day, and hats, gloves and scarves were mandatory. However, hats, gloves and scarves cannot be trusted to stay on one's person.  For some reason, they like to do a runner...

Helpful Hints for Authors

Less text, more white space and illustrations/photos makes for ease of reading and absorbing. People cannot take in too much at once. Aim for a clean, fresh look, regardless of your content....